Honey to My Lips – 2025 Scripture Reading Plan

How sweet are your words to my taste,
    sweeter than honey to my mouth!
– Psalm 119:103

This year we embark on our forth Scripture Reading Plan. We read the whole New Testament in 2022. We followed that up in 2023 by reading the whole Old Testament. Last year, we read the whole New Testament and part of the Old Testament. For this year, we’ll do something similar; we’ll read the whole New Testament plus the Psalms and Proverbs again and we’ll read the Old Testament books that we skipped last year. Here it is!

This means, if you did the Scripture reading plan last year and complete it this year, you will have read the New Testament 2 times, the Psalms and Proverbs 3 times, and the Old testament once. Not too shabby! Specifically, you’ll read

  • 7 days/week: 1 Old Testament Chapter/ day (approximately)
  • 5 days/week: 1 New Testament Chapter/day (approximately)
  • 5 days/week: 1 Psalm or Proverb/day (most of the year)
  • With Time built in to catch-up

We must remember, doing these plans is not some badge to wear, nor goal for the sake of a goal. It is just our desire to ensure that we are reading the Word of God, all of it, in such a way to make it a part of our lives. If this reading is too much for you, just do what you can do. If you’re new to Scripture Reading plans, perhaps just set out to read the whole New Testament in a year. That would be only 1 Chapter each day from Monday to Friday each week. That’s Doable!

Or perhaps, you have more time and would like to read the whole Bible in a year. Simply take the 2022 New Testament Plan and the 2023 Old Testament Plan and do them both!

Let us remember the Words of our Savior “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:4). You ate food today for your physical health, didn’t you? Did you feed very soul though?

Let us all be a people of the Word! Let us look to receive from our Savior Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life and the Very Word of God each day through the reading of the written word.
