Ministering the Grace of God to the World

Missions Committee Ministry
The Missions Committee meets the first Sunday after worship service every month. The committee is responsible for all international, national, and local missions’ activities, financial distribution of Faith Promise funds, prayer request and coordination, annual mission’s conference and on-going partnerships with missions and missionaries. To get involved with this ministry, click here.
Ministry Leader: Aubrey Moore

Foster Care
Meadowview believes strongly in caring for orphans, as well as providing support for foster and adoptive families.
There are several opportunities throughout the year to help, including purchasing gifts for foster children, making a donation, or helping at events. For more information about this ministry, click here.
Ministry Leader: Mara Lovejoy

Greater Things Outreach Center
The Greater Things Outreach Center is a food pantry in North Davidson County that serves those in the county, not within the city limits of Lexington or Thomasville. Susan Sayour is the Director here and many of our members serve at or donate to this ministry.
Bring in your shelf-stable food items to our church and we'll distribute to this meaningful ministry which helps feed people in this difficult time.
To get connected with this ministry, click here.

Car Care
The Car Care team meets the second Saturday of every other month from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. This is a free service the church and volunteers provide for widows, single moms, the elderly and those in real need, to maintain their automobiles. To get involved with this ministry, click here.
Ministry Leader: Roger Wheeler

Operation Christmas Child
This is such a fun ministry to be a part of! We'll be collecting gifts for OCC beginning the middle of September through October 31, and we'll have a packing party on Wednesday, November 10. For more information, just send us a message.
Ministry Leader: Marie Kuhn

Southwood Elementary School Outreach
Meadowview participates in both the Lunch Buddies program and the Men's Mentoring events at Southwood Elementary School in Davidson County. This is a great opportunity to be involved in the community and share the love of Christ with children. For more information, just send us a message.
Ministry Leader: Bonnie Riddle

Angel Tree Ministry
The Angel Tree Ministry is a once a year opportunity in November that provides Christmas gifts to needy children. To get involved with this ministry, click here.
Ministry Leader: Sandy Martin

Blood Drive
The Big Red Bus parks in our front parking lot from 1-6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month.
To sign up for an appointment, click here.

Davidson County Senior Services
Davidson County Senior Services helps our low income seniors and shut-ins in the county. They need products like Boost, Depends, and toiletries. To get involved in this ministry, click here.

Disaster Response Ministry
Disaster Response is a ministry that we have been a part of since 2009; this ministry gives us an opportunity to be able to be the hands and feet of Christ in times of need when people have lost all hope. We are blessed to be a part of God’s work through this ministry. Side note: we have taken 15 trips; worked in North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and New Jersey; worked approximately 7,500 hours and traveled 14,000 miles.
To get involved with this ministry, click here.

Crisis Ministry
Each month, a group from Meadowview provides a meal to the homeless shelter. If you're interested in helping out, click here.