
What Type of Church is Meadowview Reformed Presbyterian Church?

MRPC is a congregation of Confessional Presbyterian & Reformed believers which seeks to glorify God and magnify Christ as we rest in Him by faith and partake of the Ordinary Means of Grace.  (What’s that mean?) It is our mission to Savor the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and to be Servants of that Grace by locally and globally.  We are a member church in the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America).  READ MORE about what to Expect BELOW THIS VIDEO from our Pastor.



  • Meadowview Reformed Presbyterian Church meets at One Grace Way Drive, Lexington, NC 27295.


Bible Hour begins at 9am

  • Nursery for birth to age 3, PreK – 5th Grade in Children’s Wing
  • 6th-12th Grades meet in the Youth Rm (9:15)
  • Adult Classes:  We usually have 2-3 adult classes during Bible Hour:  a class just for women, a class for all adults, and we offer our church membership class (Discovering Meadowview) a couple times per year.

Sunday Morning Worship begins at 10:30 AM

  • See “What Happens When I Arrive” below for details on what to expect.

Sunday Evening* Worship Services at 5 pm: Aug 27, Sept 24, Oct 29, Nov 19, Dec 24

  • Many of our life groups meet Sunday afternoon and evening.  Also, many of our multi-generational and extended families have family gathers Sunday afternoon into the evening.
  • We do however have Sunday Evening Worship on a monthly basis, usually the 3rd or 4th Sunday of the month.


We encourage people to dress in what comfortably. You’ll see people wearing everything from nice jeans and nice shirts to suits.


When you are arrive on our campus follow the drive to the middle front of the Worship Center. There are visitor parking spots in the circular drive for your convenience. Walk up to the Worship Center. There will be someone there to open the glass doors for you and to answer any questions. Once in the Narthex (the entrance way to the church), you’ll receive a bulletin/worship program. As you enter the sanctuary there will be ushers to help you find a seat or you can seat yourself.

Youth and adult classes are held at 9am in the right wing of our facility. (The building on the right)

Nursery and children’s ministry are in the left wing of our facility. (The building on the left)


Join us as we reverently and joyfully worship our God through prayer, singing, Bible reading, and preaching. We endeavor to have everything we do in worship point to the glory of God and the beauty of His Son by whom we have life through the Power of the Spirit.

Logistically speaking though:

At 10:30 am we’ll have some announcements, then our worship service will begin with a Call to Worship and an Opening Prayer. There are typically 3 doctrinally faithful worship songs, at least one of which is a hymn.    There is Declaration of Faith taken from either one of the historic creeds, from the Westminster Confession of Faith, or Scripture itself.  Confession of Sin and Assurance of Pardon takes place as part of the Pastoral Prayer, which also contains Thanksgiving and Petittion.  Then, we’ll have a reflective offertory time. Scripture will be read and the Word of God is then preached. The service will close with a song of praise and a benediction, between 11:45 & 12 pm.


Meadowview Reformed Presbyterian Church is all about connecting with God and each other. Take a look at the links in the main menu for ministry and outreach opportunities. But loosely speaking, here are the ways to get plugged in.

  • Sunday Mornings
    • 9:00 am – Come to  classes for all ages, groups, or fellowship with us
    • 10:30 am- Worship with us Sunday morning
  • Wednesday Nights
    • 5 pm Supper
    • 5:45 – 6:15 Prayer Group
    • 6:00 – 7:15 Children & Youth Programs
    • 6:15 – 7:00 Adult Class
  • Life Groups
    • Life groups are an important part of the life of Meadowview.
    • Contact Pastor Pablo Ayllon about joining or starting a Life Group
  • Monthly Events
    • We have regular fellowship events and events to serve (see ‘Serve’ menu above)
    • Click on the ‘Events’ tab to see what’s happening at Meadowview.
  • Serving


As a church, we invite children of all ages to be a part of the growing, thriving ministry of our church. With spaces for newborns and toddlers in our nursery and classes for preschoolers and elementary school every Sunday morning, we welcome your entire family to take part in learning and growing towards Christ as a part of our covenant-community.

Our Children’s wing is on the left side of the worship center. Beginning June 20, 2021, the following programs will be available for children:

  • Nursery –  Birth through age 3, available from 9am – 12pm
  • Children’s Bible Hour – PreK to 5th Grade from 9:00 – 10:00am
  • Children’s Worship Training  – Ages 4-6, dismissed just prior to the sermon.

You are welcome to keep your kids with you in the Worship Service.

Rocking & Nursing Rooms:  If your young kids get antsy during worship, you are welcome to use the Rocking & Nursing Rooms at the rear of the sanctuary to give your kids the space they may need, or to nurse in privacy. There is 1-way glass and speakers in both rooms so you can see and hear what is going on in the service.