
Ministering the Grace of God within the Body


Greeters & Ushers

Be a part of this crucial ministry to welcome guests and show them 
hospitality.  To get connected with this ministry, click here
Ministry Leaders:  Jim Steiner (greeters) & Mike Maness (ushers)

Wednesday Night Supper Team

Are you more of a behind-the-scenes servant? We need you! Help serve supper on Wednesday evenings. To get connected with this ministry, click here

Ministry Leader:  Sherri Shoaf


Building & Grounds Ministry

Sharpening pencils, cleaning the facility, landscaping... you name it, we have a spot for you!  To get connected with this ministry, click here


Compassion Team

This group of women serves the Body at Meadowview in a variety of ways.  To get involved, click here

Ministry Leader:  Leesa Everhart

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Tech Team

This particular ministry is vital to the music ministry and Sunday morning worship!  We have techies who serve in several capacities, including media presentation, video production, and sound engineering.  Training is provided, and regular rotations make it possible for these behind-the-scenes team members to enjoy worship with their families, too.  

Ministry Leader:  Shannon Lindegren


Children’s Ministry

As a church, we invite children of all ages to be a part of the growing, thriving ministry of our church. With spaces for newborns and toddlers in our nursery and classes for preschoolers and elementary school every Sunday morning, we welcome your entire family to take part in learning and growing towards Christ as a part of our covenant-community.

Our Children’s wing is on the left side of the worship center. We have programs for children from ages Birth to 5th grade from 9-10am on Sunday. Then:

  • Nursery provided for birth – age 3, available from 9am – 12pm
  • Children’s Worship Training for ages 4-6 during the sermon. Children are dismissed from the worship service just prior to the offertory.

You are welcome to keep your kids with you in the worship service.

Rocking & Nursing Rooms: If your young kids get antsy during worship, you are welcome to use the rooms at the rear of the Sanctuary to give your kids the space they may need, or to nurse in a quiet space. There is 1-way glass and speakers in both rooms so you can see and hear what is going on in the service.

To get connected with this ministry, contact our Director of Children's Ministries by clicking here.  


Church Office Ministry

Do you have 3-4 hours/week you can offer to help in the church office? Consider picking a day and a morning or afternoon and help us in the front office.  To get connected with this ministry, click here


Prayer Email Ministry

We are called to pray without ceasing! The Prayer Ministry is a way for us to stay in touch with the needs of our church body and surrounding community.  This involves a list of prayer requests sent out daily, Monday through Friday.  Included are prayer items for those with health issues, those facing grief and loss, our military, nursing home residents, and missionaries, as well as any other concerns in need of prayer. Urgent requests and updates are sent throughout the week as necessary.

To sign up to receive the prayer emails or to submit requests, contact the Prayer Ministry at Requests may also be called in to the church office at 336.249.2680.  

Ministry Leader:  Debbie Thompson


Life Group Facilitators & Hosts

Life groups are a great way for people to connect, encourage one another, and pray together.  If you're interested in finding a Life Group, or if you'd like to speak with someone about facilitating or hosting a group, click here

Ministry Leader:  Pablo Ayllon