
Children’s Ministries

Aside from the preached Word during our corporate worship service, this is MRPC’s primary Christian educational endeavor for children; a key component to our being equipped to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”  During Children’s Bible Hour, our children are taught using Great Commission Publication’s ‘Show Me Jesus’ curriculum, and while we have 4- through 6-year-olds for a short time during the service, we’re going through the Bible chronologically during Children’s Worship Training.  On Wednesday evenings, we are studying the names and character of God.  While we believe that children receive the BEST education about Jesus and the Bible from their parents, we pray that Meadowview’s families feel strong support from Meadowview in the Biblical and early theological teaching they receive here.  

Contact Information

For additional information contact Michelle Speas at 336-249-2680 x4414 or